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Donkeymails is launched at February 3th 2005. We want to thank all our advertisers and members for the great support to make this possible. Not a member yet Join Now! start cash and points which you can use to advertising on Donkeymails. If you are looking for advertising please visit our advertise page Click here to visit the advertise page!!.

Statistics Jan 2013
Total Members 750,000+
Total Payouts 1,900,000+
Donkeymails Monthly Referral Contest $350 to win!
Donkeymails Favorites FREE Must join!-> $10,000 Free Demo! | SFI Make Real Money

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How it works:
  • Select countries you want to send your Ad to.
  • Select groups of interests for your target group.
  • Click on recalculate price to see final Ad price.
  • When you are done, click on next.


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